gore system carrd

hi! we're the gore system, a median system of four members! body is 18 and brown. we're from argentina and speak spanish/english. we're autistic, have adhd and diabetes, and we tweet about that from time to time. we're studying biology and chemistry at university.

  • please use gore/gores for us both collectively and individually.

  • we're screenreader users.

byf we swear a lot, we don't censor slur we reclaim, we make a lot of typos, sometimes forget to put tws.
dnfi any type of exclusionist, specially anti: neopronouns and xenogenders, anti mspec lesbians/gays, straight lesbians/gays, cis nonbinary, queerhet identities, endo systems. proship. anti theist. edtwt/shtwt.

general info we're a median system and extranthaeic, we're usually fronting all together, if not we may say who's fronting in our display name. we identify collectively as horrorgender and kenochoric. we're all brown except for [redacted] because vaguely gestures.

we're all nerds, horror fans and goths. we share most of our likes/interest but we thought choosing our personal favorites would be fun!

frances demon horrorgender boygirl, omni jaustenian velaurian, main fronter.

likes the walten files, analog horror in general, science, doing math exercises, cats, capybaras, goth music.
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[redacted] nonhuman, agenderflux and unlabeled, other main fronter and protector.
likes reading scps, creepypastas, reading, making fun of queer assimilationists, walking thru the woods.
art source

baƫl tiny demon boy, just a little bastard. genderfluid and alloaro bi/omni turian.

likes candy gore art, poppy playtime, creepy plushies, anything that is cute yet scary, goats, dissection and animal biology.
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likes scaring people in a lighthearted way, learning languages, ghost movies, geology, physics.
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filo ghost (poltergeist), kenochoric demigirl, anroance.